Posted by Larry Clockwerk on February 05, 19102 at 00:42:11:
In Reply to: Re: remember... posted by Bev Goldman on August 15, 1999 at 14:47:00:
Mrs Goldman,
I am writing to you in a rather odd respose to a post by you on August 15, 1999. I happened to discover a song that was written by Danielle and happen to feel that it is absolutley amazing. After extensive research, I have found that her album, much to my dismay, has been shelved. I happen to work in the entertainment industry, and after maybe phone calls to my friends in the record industry, I was still unable to obtian a copy of Portable Life. My question is this:
Are you still in contact with Danielle? and if so, is it possible for her to obtain a copy of her album for me? I will pay for it. I am not looking for a freebie...
She is an excellent talent, which has been hidden away for far too long. I personally feel that her time has come to step into the Limelight.
Thank you for anything that you can do.