Aftermath Excerpts
The Omni Virtual Booktour

Chronology Of Events Leading To The War Of 2015-2018 by LeVar Burton
2012 2013 2014

May -- The New Madrid Fault in southern Missouri shifts, causing an earthquake of 9.1 magnitude. St. Louis and numerous other Midwestern cities are destroyed. Thousands are killed, millions left homeless.

The United States government is slow in responding to the situation in the Midwest, which leads to rioting and looting. The cry of "Remember Everette" becomes the official anthem of the poor, the homeless and the oppressed. In an attempt to stamp out the flames of revolution, the government sends federal troops into the area.

November -- Tensions reach an all-time high as winter sets in. Millions of people are still homeless, many more lack food, fresh water and the other basic necessities of life. St. Louis, Chicago, Kansas City, Nashville and other cities erupt in fighting. Additional troops are called into these areas, but many minority soldiers refuse to fire on their own people. A rift develops in the military ranks.

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