Current Time: Sun Mar 16 23:55:37 EST 1997
MsgId: example(4)
Date: Fri Mar 7 20:59:36 EST 1997
From: OMNI_Moderator
Good evening--and welcome to the Virtual Booktour! Tonight's guest is LeVar Burton, actor/writer/producer/director on both television and in films. Tonight, the multi-talented performer will discuss life as Lt. Commander Geordi LaForge on "Star Trek: The Next Generation". LeVar, are you online?
MsgId: example(5)
Date: Fri Mar 7 20:59:52 EST 1997
From: OMNI_Staff
Stay Tuned for Tonight's Show with LeVar Burton, author of the new apocalyptic thriller, AFTERMATH.
MsgId: example(6)
Date: Fri Mar 7 21:00:43 EST 1997
From: OMNI_Moderator
First question is: How did you become Lt. Commander Geordi LaForge? I know you have a long history with sci-fi, as a reader. But how did you get to become a cast member on "ST:TNG"?
MsgId: example(7)
Date: Fri Mar 7 21:05:13 EST 1997
From: LeVar_Burton
You're right. I was a fan of "Star Trek" before I became involved with Next Generation. In fact, around 19.., oh boy, 81, did a TV program called "Emergency Room" which was produced by one Robert H. Justman, a name I recognized from the original series. Bob and I would sit around during lighting setups on the set of "Emergency" and talk about "Star Trek." And so, when he was workin with Gene, years later, on developing the Next Gen series, my name came up as a possible candidate for Geordi. I remember driving over to Paramount for that initial meeting, and thinking to myself "If I get this job, great. If I don't, that's fine, too," because what I was really interested in was meeting Gene Roddenberry. (cont_
MsgId: example(8)
Date: Fri Mar 7 21:06:53 EST 1997
From: LeVar_Burton
You see, as a science fiction fan, "Star Trek" was my first encounter with the vision of the future that included people of color. And so, I wanted to shake the hand of the man who put Nichelle Nichols as Lt. Uhuru on the bridge of the Enterprise. /ga
MsgId: example(9)
Date: Fri Mar 7 21:08:18 EST 1997
From: OMNI_Moderator
Yes. My next question was if you were a big fan of the first show. How many of your friends were also fans? What was their reaction when you told them that you were going to be in the second "ST" series?
MsgId: example(10)
Date: Fri Mar 7 21:11:09 EST 1997
From: LeVar_Burton
Yeah, I was a huge fan of the original series. You see, I can track the evolution of black faces in the popular culture, specifically on TV, during the course of my own lifetime. I turned 40 just a few weeks ago and so I remember very clearly a time in the recent past of television where the faces of people of color were not nearly as commonplace as they are today. So "Star Trek" was a big deal in my house, as was "Julia" with Diahann Carroll, or "The Mod Squad" or anything with Sammy Davis Jr. on it. /ga
MsgId: example(11)
Date: Fri Mar 7 21:12:57 EST 1997
From: griffin
Levar -- it's pretty obvious that ST's view of women in the future has changed a great deal (no more space cheerleader outfits, for example). Would you say the shows view's on people of color have changed as well?
MsgId: example(12)
Date: Fri Mar 7 21:13:04 EST 1997
From: OMNI_Moderator
And Nichelle Nichols, of course. I'm sorry--could you explain who Robert Justman is? For those people who aren't fans of "Star Trek", but who know you from your work on "Roots" and "Reading Rainbow". :-)
MsgId: example(13)
Date: Fri Mar 7 21:14:46 EST 1997
From: LeVar_Burton
Robert H. Justman was an associate producer on the original "Star Trek" series. A long-time friend of Gene Roddenberry's, Bob was part of the team assembled to birth the Next Generation at Paramount in the mid-80's.
MsgId: example(14)
Date: Fri Mar 7 21:16:11 EST 1997
From: OMNI_Moderator
Did you get meet Nichelle Nichols, by the way? And were you star-struck when you met Gene Rodenberry?
MsgId: example(15)
Date: Fri Mar 7 21:16:45 EST 1997
From: OMNI_Moderator
MsgId: example(16)
Date: Fri Mar 7 21:18:00 EST 1997
From: LeVar_Burton
Yes, I did meet Nichelle, and in fact, in one of the first episodes of Next Generation that I directed, I had my friend Mae Jemison in a scene in the transporter room and on that day, Nichelle came by as those two had never met. It was Nichelle's role on "Star Trek" that initially inspired Mae to become first a scientist and then an astronaut. /ga
MsgId: example(17)
Date: Fri Mar 7 21:21:06 EST 1997
From: OMNI_Moderator
Before you became LaForge, did you think the role would be similar to Nichols in many ways? What were some elements of the role that you designed?
MsgId: example(18)
Date: Fri Mar 7 21:22:32 EST 1997
From: Tweak
When is the next Star Trek movie comming out, and what is it about?
MsgId: example(19)
Date: Fri Mar 7 21:24:29 EST 1997
From: LeVar_Burton
Well, in the original character description, Geordi was not the engineer, but the pilot of the Enterprise, and in fact, he held that position throughout the first season. But it was always problematic in the playing of him because Gene always maintained that the ship was so sophisticated that it could fly itself. So the problem was beyond the statement of the "blind man flying the ship," what real purpose, of what real value, what is the contribution that Geordi makes to this equation. It was obvious that for information we went to Data. For questions of an emotional nature, Troi's counsel was sought out. First Tasha and then Worf were consulted on matters of tactics and security, but what was Geordi's area of expertise. (cont)
MsgId: example(20)
Date: Fri Mar 7 21:25:19 EST 1997
From: LeVar_Burton
So it really came out of conversations that I had with Rick Berman that we began to look for a specific area that was Geordi's domain. And we found our answer in Engineering. /ga
MsgId: example(21)
Date: Fri Mar 7 21:26:57 EST 1997
From: griffin
Did you know anything about engineering and physics before the role?
MsgId: example(22)
Date: Fri Mar 7 21:30:59 EST 1997
From: OMNI_Moderator
It's interesting that you describe yourself as "blind" on that role. Concerning your role, and that of the two other black actors on TNG, one comedian said very negative things about what you played. Did you find any negative responses to the fact that you were "blind" on the show? What were some positive things you heard from other black actors about your role?
MsgId: example(23)
Date: Fri Mar 7 21:34:34 EST 1997
From: LeVar_Burton
Well, first, I just want to clarify that I did not describe myself as being "blind," but in fact, the description was in regards to Geordi, the character I play, and to me, the distinction is an important one to note. I must say, however, that the overwhelming response that I have encountered to both the character of Geordi LaForge, and my portrayal of him, from all aspects of society and, most specifically the black community, has been nothing but positive. I must say that I am unfamiliar with the remarks you mentioned by the comedian and so it would be difficult for me to respond to them. And, I'm pretty sure, that even if you were to tell me, I wouldn't feel like responding anyway. /ga
MsgId: example(24)
Date: Fri Mar 7 21:36:54 EST 1997
From: OMNI_Moderator
Understandably. But Griffin brought up a question I'd wanted to ask: were you good in science when you were in high school?
MsgId: example(25)
Date: Fri Mar 7 21:38:06 EST 1997
From: LeVar_Burton
:::laughing::: I was a fair science student. But I must be honest, and come clean here and now, I am not an engineer. I only play one on television. /ga
MsgId: example(26)
Date: Fri Mar 7 21:39:23 EST 1997
From: OMNI_Moderator
What about the shows you directed for STTNG? You've also directed episodes for "Deep Space Nine" and "Voyager". What are a few of those episodes, and what's your favorite one among them?
MsgId: example(27)
Date: Fri Mar 7 21:41:16 EST 1997
From: Zefram
Ever consider an appearence on DS9?
MsgId: example(28)
Date: Fri Mar 7 21:41:54 EST 1997
From: Tweak
Or an appearance on Babylon 5?
MsgId: example(29)
Date: Fri Mar 7 21:42:24 EST 1997
From: LeVar_Burton
Boy, in truth, it's difficult to remember the names of most of the episodes of Trek that I've directed. Of the 179 episodes of Next Generation that we did, there are at least 80 to 90 I have yet to see. But some of my favorite episodes as a director have been "Second Chances" for TNG, because it was my first, "Indiscretion" for DS9 because of the fabulous Nana Visitor. I just wrapped an episode of DS9 called "Soldiers of the Empire" that I'm very pleased with -- another Klingon show. I seem to get a lot of big alien monster drag episodes to direct like "To The Death" and the like. But I'm very pleased with this latest effort. I'm editing now, and it's coming together quite nicely. /ga
MsgId: example(30)
Date: Fri Mar 7 21:45:43 EST 1997
From: OMNI_Moderator
Now, as I mentioned before, there are people who still know you for your work in "Roots" and with "Reading Rainbow". Do most people who meet you on the street or in public now know you solely as "Geordi"? What about your younger fans--do you find that kids know you more for "Geordi" or for "Reading Rainbow"?
MsgId: example(31)
Date: Fri Mar 7 21:48:21 EST 1997
From: LeVar_Burton
It's wonderful to encounter that these days people seem to know me from a variety of sources. There are lots of children and younger people who were introduced to me on "Reading Rainbow" and have now grown up and become Next Gen fans. I get college students coming up to me all the time to tell me how much they love "Star Trek," but first will sing a few bars of the "Reading Rainbow" theme song. There is, of course, a whole generation of Americans who were too young to have seen "Roots" when it first aired, 20 years ago. And so, it's not unusual to be in conversation with a family where the children are "Reading Rainbow" watchers and the parents also know me from some of my other work. /ga
MsgId: example(32)
Date: Fri Mar 7 21:48:27 EST 1997
From: Zefram
I've heard a rumor that YOU were going to direct the next
movie. Any truth to that?
MsgId: example(33)
Date: Fri Mar 7 21:50:46 EST 1997
From: OMNI_Moderator
What do you enjoy most about working with the new "Star Trek" series? How is it working with two different captains (Avery Brooks, Kate Mulgrew) other than Picard? :-)
MsgId: example(34)
Date: Fri Mar 7 21:52:48 EST 1997
From: Tweak
*tap* *tap* *tap* Is this thing on?
MsgId: example(35)
Date: Fri Mar 7 21:54:01 EST 1997
From: LeVar_Burton
Great question! It is fascinating to me that all three casts, those of Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, and Voyager, all hold a different energetic presence. Even the sets on which the shows are shot reflect the individual energy of each cast. The thing I miss most about Next Gen was the fun we had. Every single day, for seven years of my life, I looked forward to going to work and laughing with my friends. We always got the work done and the process was just a blast. Directing DS9 is interesting for me because the show was conceived as a darker vision -- the sets reflect that and in its own way, that energy is reflected in the overall feeling, the atmosphere, of the set. (cont)
MsgId: example(36)
Date: Fri Mar 7 21:56:04 EST 1997
From: LeVar_Burton
The first time I set foot on the stages of the Voyager sets was very bizarre for me, because in fact, they use the same stages we did on Next Generation. Their bridge is where our bridge was, their corridors replaced ours, their engineering set is in the same place ours was. So it was weird being in Engineering, but not my Engineering. I would say that the energy, the atmosphere, of the Voyager work experience was fairly similar to that which I remember from my Next Gen days. /ga
MsgId: example(37)
Date: Fri Mar 7 21:58:15 EST 1997
From: OMNI_Moderator
And, finally: What is Geordi's future now?
MsgId: example(38)
Date: Fri Mar 7 21:58:46 EST 1997
From: griffin

MsgId: example(39)
Date: Fri Mar 7 21:59:21 EST 1997
From: LeVar_Burton
Well, that is the $54,000 question! I honestly don't know, but I'm committed to hanging around long enough to find out. I hope you are, too. /ga
MsgId: example(40)
Date: Fri Mar 7 22:03:03 EST 1997
From: OMNI_Moderator
Yes--next week (unfortunately)! Thanks, LeVar, for coming on tonight. For the audience: LeVar will continue the Virtual Booktour on Monday, when he talks to his fans, from 9-10pm EST! Thanks again for appearing tonight, LeVar.
MsgId: example(41)
Date: Fri Mar 7 22:03:59 EST 1997
From: LeVar_Burton
Have a great weekend! And, for those of you who haven't already done so, don't forget to pick up a copy of AFTERMATH, already in a bookstore near you. Night!