The Information Rebellion concerns our very notions of security and liberty, but is not necessarily a black and white war of good versus evil. If the Establishment prevails, the nation will be relatively secure against outside threats, but will also confront the burgeoning threat of becoming a totalitarian police state in which all notions of privacy and freedom give way to what must ultimately be described as an infocracy--a superficial democracy concealing a thinly veiled information dictatorship. But if the Rebels succeed in bringing down the bureaucracy without becoming absorbed by its compelling secrets in the attempt, the national security will very likely be compromised to such an extent that the country will collapse in an unprecedented wave of financial holocaust, violent crime, and terrorism. The fate of the nation will depend upon whether the Establishment or Rebels prevail in their divergent approaches to safeguarding our freedom. How would you respond to this dilemma if you were the character or characters you've chosen? The Information Rebellion
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